House Blessing
Blessing your house is akin to energising it with prayers and positive intentions and it can be life changing. You have a house blessing before you move into a new space or when you want to bless a space you already inhabit in a new, purposeful way.
I can perform a house blessing with just you or you can invite family and friends and neighbours. The more positive intentions you invoke the better and If you invite like-minded friends to participate, they will enjoy the experience and add even more good – will to your home.
Firstly, I will find out why you would like a House Blessing by asking you a few questions. For example: What purpose would you like the house blessing to serve? Would you like to name the house? Do you know the history of the house?
There are simple rituals to perform for a house blessing or more elaborate rituals such as ringing bells in each room and spoken word blessings for each room. I use home grown smudge sticks to cleanse the psychic energies of each room which also acts as an anti- bacterial.
A significant coloured house candle will be chosen to represent the new warmth and light of the home which will be kept in the home to be re-lite, whenever the house needs uplifting. Those invited can also participate in offering their blessings by picking a blessing card from the house blessing jar. Example: May it be a place where one awakes with eagerness and a haven from stress when the work of the week is done. Or they can ad-lib which guests seem to like doing.
We can work together to create a specific ritual that will suit your purpose for the house. Most important is the cutting and sharing of the ‘House Blessing Cake’ with champagne to follow.
- Blessing your house is akin to energising it with prayers and positive intentions.
- You have a house blessing before you move into a new space or when you want to
- bless a space you already inhabit in a new, purposeful way.